Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ebay Store has Expanded - Old Website Catalog Closed

We have finally closed our old Prostores catalog and have moved many items over to our eBay store. It is still in progress and we plan to carry an average of 500 items on ebay at a time (we are currently at about 275). As we have mentioned before, this will allow us to ship Internationally which we couldn't seem to set up correctly with Prostores. In addition, we will be able to close our sites when we are on the road doing our shows. To see our show schedule, our ALDA Jewelry and Gifts site now has a show schedule tab. Our ebay store and Amazon store will be closed from August 2-7, 2009 since we will be selling in the Portland area. You can place an order during this time but it won't ship out until August 9.

We are also working on expanding our blog and other websites to include articles and interesting stories both related to our business as well as our sometimes crazy personal life. The later will include our Weight Watchers journey (we keep getting within a pound of goal), pet classes for our boxer/heeler Rosie, Eckankar talks and discussion in the South Puget Sound area and other fun and hopefully interesting stuff.